31.   The western industrial state is governed by the BJP.

32.   Until then the state was governed by the Congress Party of Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao.

33.   Voters are expected to back incumbent Gov. Kurt Beck, whose Social Democrats govern the state with the small pro-business Free Democrats as junior partner.

34.   Gujarat state is governed by the BJP.

35.   Al-Baid said the new state would be governed by the same constitution as that in force in the north.

36.   But it has effectively had a hand in governing the state for the last eight years.

37.   Bull, whose state is governed by the Social Democrats, in opposition in Bonn, called on other states to follow suit.

38.   They are already in the Bundestag, the lower chamber of parliament, and govern two states, Hessen and Saxony-Anhalt, with the SPD.

v. + state >>共 967
declare 11.37%
leave 2.63%
sue 2.30%
represent 2.03%
establish 1.60%
impose 1.51%
include 1.42%
visit 1.35%
say 1.26%
win 1.10%
govern 0.56%
govern + n. >>共 732
country 4.36%
use 2.32%
state 1.84%
conduct 1.84%
body 1.60%
sale 1.60%
life 1.50%
city 1.31%
province 1.21%
trade 1.21%
每页显示:    共 38