31.   And it turned out the organizer had a harder time getting inside Kansas City schools than Johnson County schools to recruit.

32.   And when Webber did get inside position, the Knicks smartly fouled Webber and sent him to the line, where he shoots poorly.

33.   And, like a movie sleuth trying to identify a serial killer by getting inside his head, Fennessey tried to speculate about what might motivate a dog killer.

34.   Another problem lies in cultivating gang informants -- long considered among one of the most effective means of getting inside a gang.

35.   Antonio Nikc, who was in the driveway with his wife and father, managed to get inside the house.

36.   AOL insisted it was the only channel it could get inside the tent.

37.   As a stay-at-home dad, Gray has simply discovered the additional intellectual challenge of getting inside the head of a kindergartener.

38.   As for tackling the problem, veterinarians first advise owners to get inside the mouth and look for plaque, tartar and irritated gums.

39.   As Shamblin described it, the verses apply to overeating because only when you get inside your heart do you understand the source of your actions.

40.   As soon as it gets inside, I negate it.

v. + inside >>共 1292
trap 4.91%
go 4.49%
get 3.69%
find 3.02%
stay 2.97%
remain 2.26%
recommend 2.16%
allow 2.12%
hide 2.10%
look 1.68%
get + p. >>共 91
on 24.47%
in 23.07%
past 7.58%
to 4.29%
by 3.27%
with 3.04%
in_touch_with 2.94%
inside 2.87%
behind 2.74%
in_the_way_of 2.69%
每页显示:    共 365