31.   The fund said it will shortly announce a sales date and minimum price.

32.   The New York State Common Retirement fund said it is freezing its tobacco holdings, and the New York teachers fund said it was scaling back its tobacco investments.

33.   Traders familiar with the government funds say sometimes public money is used to tweak the market, a charge the government denies.

34.   Traders familiar with the government funds say the sometimes public money is used to tweak the market, a charge the government denies.

35.   When Prudential failed to answer the claim, the funds said they were eligible for a default judgement.

36.   But the fund also said problems remained in the areas of taxation and reforming the gas and agricultural sectors, Lytvytsky said.

37.   Fifty-eight Gypsies in Kosovo are finally to receive money from a Swiss fund to help destitute Holocaust survivors, the fund said Thursday.

38.   Fourteen journalists have died in the conflict, the fund said.

39.   However, the German fund has said the Polish group asked for zlotys and should have been aware of the risk of exchange rate movements.

40.   Last month, the International Monetary fund said Mugabe agreed to not illegally seize white owned farms.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
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analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
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spokesman 3.05%
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expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
fund 0.01%
fund + v. >>共 799
be 21.14%
have 5.42%
invest 2.74%
come 1.96%
go 1.87%
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