31.   Five of them were former welfare recipients he had hired.

32.   For example, millions of low-income people, including former welfare recipients, were losing Medicaid.

33.   For example, states can choose to spend money providing child care to support former welfare recipients who have begun working.

34.   Five years after the changes to the welfare system took place, former welfare recipients interviewed for this story say they are not better off.

35.   For former welfare recipients like Ms. Holmes, child care is a ticket off public assistance.

36.   Fredricks, a mother of six, is a former welfare recipient now making moccachinos at a Midtown coffee bar.

37.   Former welfare mother Sonya Wilkins spent seven months without insurance before she found a job as an accounting clerk at a health clinic.

38.   Former welfare recipients often have part-time and low-wage jobs.

39.   Giving child-care subsidies to former welfare mothers nearly doubles the likelihood that they will still be working two years later.

40.   He also said business leaders had to support programs that subsidized day care for the working poor to keep former welfare recipients in the work force.

a. + welfare >>共 467
social 19.94%
federal 7.52%
new 6.88%
animal 6.35%
corporate 4.99%
state 3.71%
former 3.53%
current 1.68%
republican 1.64%
public 1.60%
former + n. >>共 731
president 5.40%
republic 4.08%
colony 2.07%
coach 2.03%
minister 1.68%
leader 1.67%
player 1.49%
member 1.32%
employee 1.30%
government 1.28%
welfare 0.12%
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