31.   Once Israeli forces withdraw from Jenin, Nablus, and other towns and cities, Israeli officials said, they will take up positions encircling and blockading them.

32.   Once the Yugoslav and Serbian forces withdraw from villages, the monitors are then allowed to inspect the damage.

33.   Powell then called Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his foreign minister, Shimon Peres, with requests for their forces to withdraw, senior administration officials said.

34.   Schools in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank town of Jericho came under Palestinian control in May, when Israeli forces withdrew from those areas.

35.   Shea said NATO expects the forces to withdraw well into Serbia and not be repositioned in Montenegro, another anti-Milosevic province of Yugoslavia.

36.   Thaci has played a prominent role in Kosovo, and his supporters and associates acquired influential positions of power after Yugoslav forces withdrew in June last year.

37.   That danger will dramatically increase after U.N. forces withdraw, probably early next year.

38.   The CIA has already warned the Bush administration that the political settlement intended to end the ethnic Albanian rebellion in Macedonia may collapse after the NATO force withdraws.

39.   The forces withdrew three months later, leaving the tiny Alpine republic to go its own way.

40.   The hope here was that Iraqi forces would quickly withdraw, obviating the need for a dramatic American response.

n. + withdraw >>共 474
troop 14.93%
force 8.92%
government 5.76%
company 3.58%
army 3.44%
party 2.32%
rebel 2.32%
police 2.18%
investor 1.90%
soldier 1.76%
force + v. >>共 622
be 11.83%
have 2.32%
take 2.23%
say 1.89%
launch 1.87%
fire 1.65%
continue 1.54%
attack 1.38%
kill 1.38%
capture 1.35%
withdraw 1.26%
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