31.   General Eric Shinseki, the peace force commander, and U.N. police chief Kai Eide sent letters to the parties explaining their new position last week.

32.   Hayelom first served as forces commander in southern Ethiopia and was named head of operations at defense headquarters seven months ago.

33.   He said four shots passed over the heads of the verification team and one hit the ground in front of the deputy force commander.

34.   Independent media speculated that the purge list would also include security forces commanders who organized the brutal Serb paramilitary units that fought in Bosnia and Croatia.

35.   Maj. Gen. Hussein bin Abdullah al-Qbeel, deputy ground forces commander, was promoted to lieutenant general and appointed ground forces commander.

36.   Meanwhile, a spokesman for the U.S. Pacific forces commander, Adm. Dennis Blair, confirmed that Blair would visit Indonesia this week.

37.   Military spokesman Col. Jack Tuat confirmed Enuma was involved in talks with Nuia while the defense forces commander was being held.

38.   Nuia was appointed defense force commander earlier to replace Singirok, who was dismissed from the army early this month for leading the March mutiny.

39.   Numerous violations of the cease-fire have been reported recently, with battles leaving scores dead, said Gen. Mountaga Diallo of Senegal, the U.N. force commander.

40.   On Wednesday, however, Maj. Gen. Montgomery Meigs, a regional peace force commander, ordered that the tank be confiscated and destroyed.

n. + commander >>共 236
army 16.61%
rebel 13.40%
police 11.86%
field 8.07%
deputy 5.89%
guerrilla 3.90%
alliance 3.02%
security 2.48%
force 2.18%
government 1.77%
force + n. >>共 520
wind 8.20%
commander 6.13%
member 4.98%
spokesman 3.52%
soldier 2.25%
official 2.13%
troop 2.06%
personnel 1.58%
headquarters 1.40%
level 1.34%
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