31.   The European Commission is investigating Microsoft Corp. for half a dozen possible infringements of competitive practices, following complaints by rivals, a commission official said.

32.   The fine follows complaints from wholesalers who said Bayer restricted distribution of Adalat to France and Spain to prevent the two nations from re-exporting the drug to the U.K.

33.   The fine follows complaints from wholesalers who said Bayer restricted distribution of Adalat to France and Spain to prevent the two nations from re-exporting to the U.K.

34.   The Labor Department probe follows a complaint by the Greenlining Institute, a public advocacy group based in San Francisco.

35.   The khakis campaign was shot by Steven Meisel, who photographed jeans ads that were withdrawn last summer following widespread complaints that they were salacious.

36.   The investigation by the SEC follows complaints by Lucent shareholders, former employees and business partners.

37.   The investigation follows complaints from consumers who say the seat-belt latch cover can slip, pinching the release button and causing the belt to unbuckle.

38.   The lawsuit followed a two-year investigation of the credit-card industry following complaints by American Express Co.

39.   The measure, known as the Communications Decency Act, was hastily approved by Congress following complaints about the easy availability of sexually explicit material on the Internet.

40.   The report of the secret payment, which contained a clause forbidding both sides from contacting the media, follows other complaints in the past year by female troopers.

v. + complaint >>共 461
file 22.14%
receive 8.83%
have 6.65%
lodge 4.88%
investigate 4.68%
hear 3.37%
make 3.22%
follow 3.03%
take 2.33%
dismiss 1.92%
follow + n. >>共 1020
suit 6.02%
lead 1.99%
report 1.85%
meeting 1.75%
attack 1.72%
series 1.33%
rule 1.09%
example 1.08%
procedure 1.02%
death 1.02%
complaint 0.58%
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