31.   The film depicted Ferrigno and his father as a team.

32.   The film depicts many of the policemen as racist and prone to physical attacks.

33.   The film depicts Missy and her family testifying in support of the bill.

34.   The film depicts the weird, funny and utterly empty subculture that surrounded Warhol.

35.   This film depicts a very wispy degree of realism in magical images.

36.   While I am treated somewhat better, the film badly depicts the Haldeman I knew so well.

37.   And a new World War II film depicts Japanese forces in Indonesia as liberators fighting Dutch colonialists.

38.   But a new film depicts Nasser as seeking peace with Israel.

39.   Conservative Muslims and Christians charged that the film depicted the life of the biblical Joseph and was an affront to their religious beliefs.

40.   Itami became a hero for standing up to mobsters who threatened to kill him because they were angry with the way his films depicted Japanese gangsters.

n. + depict >>共 299
film 6.71%
painting 5.06%
movie 2.59%
ad 2.00%
scene 2.00%
mural 1.88%
photo 1.76%
artist 1.65%
show 1.65%
drawing 1.53%
film + v. >>共 1030
be 26.06%
have 6.29%
make 2.37%
star 2.25%
show 1.98%
open 1.97%
win 1.39%
do 1.37%
take 1.34%
come 1.15%
depict 0.67%
每页显示:    共 57