31.   Congress should break up the Immigration and Naturalization Service and scatter its duties to the corners of the federal bureaucracy, according to a blue-ribbon commission.

32.   Cutting out the multi-layered federal bureaucracy will save billions of dollars.

33.   Dicks said he was perplexed that the Nicolsons had met resistance within the federal bureaucracy despite success in identifying the mycoplasma and successfully treating some victims.

34.   Donald Kettl, a University of Wisconsin professor and leading authority on the federal bureaucracy, agreed that the Energy Department failed to coordinate its diverse missions.

35.   Every administrative reorganization is finally going to knock some sense into hidebound federal bureaucracies.

36.   Finally, Dole has campaigned against the federal bureaucracy and what he calls needless regulations.

37.   Federal bureaucracy will be given greater power to interfere with our private lives.

38.   For conservatives with high hopes for a major shakeup in the federal bureaucracy with the Republican take-over of Congress last year, the results have fallen short.

39.   For starters, her small office, not a huge federal bureaucracy, is the overseer.

40.   Full-page advertisements in leading newspapers sought to muster anti-tax arguments and sentiment against federal bureaucracies that resonate particularly with the Republican base.

a. + bureaucracy >>共 349
federal 11.55%
bloated 6.09%
state 5.91%
new 4.45%
entrenched 2.18%
russian 1.45%
cumbersome 1.36%
large 1.36%
huge 1.18%
unwieldy 1.18%
federal + n. >>共 476
government 12.23%
court 6.49%
law 5.88%
judge 4.00%
official 3.74%
agency 3.06%
prosecutor 3.01%
budget 2.47%
agent 2.16%
authority 2.12%
bureaucracy 0.20%
每页显示:    共 126