31.   His father left school after fourth grade, his mother after fifth.

32.   His father left when he was a month old.

33.   His father had left his mother before he was old enough to remember.

34.   His father left the family when he was very young and his mother turned him and his brother over to his grandparents.

35.   His father left Vietman the next year, but Alderson returned, this time securing a media badge.

36.   His mother, Nancy Jordan, a Plymouth, Mass., elementary school teacher, raised him alone after his father left them when Rob was a little boy.

37.   Her mother, a homemaker, and father, a military man, moved to Arizona when her father left the service.

38.   His devout father had left the Marine Corps for the auto assembly lines and taught his equally devout son the importance of prayer, of football and of family.

39.   His father left the family when Lewis was young.

40.   His father left the household, and his mother was often hospitalized with psychotic episodes during which she heard religious voices.

n. + leave >>共 1210
people 1.89%
troop 1.63%
team 1.57%
man 1.35%
player 0.92%
plane 0.90%
family 0.86%
result 0.78%
force 0.74%
official 0.74%
father 0.42%
father + v. >>共 546
be 28.80%
die 4.34%
say 3.51%
have 3.22%
work 2.17%
tell 1.66%
do 1.55%
take 1.46%
go 1.14%
come 1.12%
leave 0.80%
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