31.   But league fans have seen a parade of overseas talent march through and often torch their teams in their home arenas.

32.   But Leverkusen has the option of reacquiring Donovan after the MLS Cup in October, which means American fans might never see him in an MLS uniform again.

33.   But too many fans have seen too many short, mindless outs not to wonder if Davis is on the proper medication.

34.   But where some Panthers fans saw treachery, some Bronchos fans smelled a double agent.

35.   But without the initial mistake, there would have been no opportunity to glimpse a kinder, gentler side of a local legend that few golf fans saw.

36.   Cardinals fans often witness things that fans elsewhere rarely see.

37.   Cleveland Cavaliers fans see the team as gritty, deliberate and hard-working.

38.   Cowboys fans saw that all season.

39.   Creative forces changed the ending, thinking the fans would rather see a Hart victory.

40.   Depending on where they stood along the narrow road, the fans saw the contenders bunched after some early attacks low on the climb.

n. + see >>共 1179
people 4.87%
company 2.66%
analyst 2.53%
investor 2.20%
official 1.80%
reporter 1.70%
fan 1.40%
witness 1.35%
viewer 1.13%
year 1.11%
fan + v. >>共 804
be 13.60%
have 4.19%
want 2.16%
know 1.98%
get 1.95%
see 1.86%
come 1.62%
boo 1.50%
say 1.45%
go 1.35%
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