31.   Several other factors have helped stop the growth of Medicare.

32.   The same factors helped Venezuela boost its exports last year.

33.   There is no one definition of a midnight movie, but a few factors help.

34.   These factors have helped cities like Boston, New York and Washington, D.C., to ride a downward wave of killings this year.

35.   These factors have helped keep prices in check under conditions that might otherwise have spurred inflation, he said.

36.   Those factors have helped take some pressure off gasoline prices.

37.   Three factors helped create the crisis, which developed over the last decade.

38.   Those factors helped create an itch Steinbrenner was bound to scratch sooner or later.

39.   Two other factors have helped the musical world.

40.   Two factors helped prompt the selling.

n. + help >>共 1529
government 1.38%
program 1.12%
money 1.11%
rate 1.05%
dollar 0.99%
move 0.96%
company 0.83%
group 0.62%
system 0.62%
technology 0.59%
factor 0.24%
factor + v. >>共 367
be 47.77%
contribute 3.22%
make 2.51%
include 2.30%
play 2.14%
help 1.58%
cause 1.53%
affect 1.40%
influence 1.37%
come 1.35%
每页显示:    共 60