31.   But they are bonded together this weekend, by a rivalry, and the burden of facing intense scrutiny.

32.   But Trillium and other companies with plans to harvest and replant native species face intense scrutiny from Chilean environmentalists.

33.   But with a cease-fire signed in April with rebels led by the late Jonas Savimbi, the government is facing increased scrutiny.

34.   But with the almost weekly release of new documents and details about his role, Dodd is beginning to face fresh scrutiny about the extent of his involvement.

35.   Buttrick says a purchase of America West by United would face tough scrutiny by antitrust regulators, as their route systems heavily overlap.

36.   Even so, Van Miert warned that Scandinavian banks could face tougher scrutiny now that they fall under EU competition jurisdiction.

37.   Few private biotechnology companies want to face the scrutiny that would come with being the first to develop an ethically questionable approach.

38.   Ford and Firestone also face scrutiny in the House.

39.   Fund companies face increased scrutiny from regulators and investors to use clearer language when marketing funds to better disclose investment risks.

40.   Gore faces added scrutiny, as well, because he has for many years spoken of the dangers of proliferation of weapon and missile technology.

v. + scrutiny >>共 137
face 13.69%
draw 5.78%
withstand 5.45%
avoid 4.92%
undergo 4.49%
receive 3.96%
escape 3.64%
get 2.99%
increase 2.89%
survive 2.89%
face + n. >>共 753
charge 11.01%
problem 3.34%
competition 3.22%
challenge 3.13%
trial 2.93%
opposition 2.38%
pressure 2.10%
criticism 1.52%
life 1.47%
difficulty 1.41%
scrutiny 0.39%
每页显示:    共 127