31.   A homemade bomb exploded inside a building Tuesday, slightly injuring six people in this city in central France, state radio France info reported.

32.   A high school was closed Tuesday and a student taken into custody after officials found a gasoline-filled bottle intended to explode inside a locker.

33.   A powerful bomb exploded inside a packed Indian train Monday, derailing several cars, news agencies reported.

34.   A grenade exploded inside a home in a rural part of western El Salvador, killing four people, including a child, the National Civil Police reported.

35.   A package bomb exploded inside the offices of a lobbying group for the wood products industry, blowing out windows and doors.

36.   A spokesman for the Basque police said the toy exploded inside the family car when the boy started playing with it.

37.   A powerful bomb explodes inside movie theater in Karachi.

38.   A week later, a pipe bomb exploded inside a car across the street from the same mall.

39.   A suspected Basque separatist died Tuesday when a bomb she was handling exploded inside a beach house in southeastern Spain, the government said.

40.   A powerful bomb exploded inside a packed Indian express train Monday, news agencies reported.

v. + inside >>共 1292
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go 4.49%
get 3.69%
find 3.02%
stay 2.97%
remain 2.26%
recommend 2.16%
allow 2.12%
hide 2.10%
look 1.68%
explode 1.02%
explode + p. >>共 72
at 14.32%
on 12.21%
into 11.25%
near 11.25%
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as 4.35%
during 3.24%
after 3.09%
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