31.   He also denied an Iranian newspaper report that two Germans diplomats had been expelled from Iran.

32.   In all cases, the diplomat was expelled or called home, the official said.

33.   In December, a U.S. diplomat was expelled from Russia after being briefly detained by the FSB.

34.   India and Pakistan routinely trade charges of spying and have expelled each others diplomats many times.

35.   India bars Pakistani overflights, expels more diplomats.

36.   In the event of an Iraqi challenge, it was unclear whether the United Nations could prevent the United States from expelling the diplomat.

37.   In the last week, each country has expelled a diplomat from the other on grounds of spying.

38.   Iranian radio reported Tuesday the Taliban attacked the consulate of Turkmenistan, a former Soviet republic, in Mazar-e-Sharif and expelled its diplomats.

39.   In what threatened to become the biggest East-West espionage flap since the Cold War, Russia suggested that nine British diplomats would be expelled.

40.   Iran on Tuesday denied reports that two Iranian diplomats had been expelled from Germany or that Iran had retaliated by expelling two Germans.

v. + diplomat >>共 260
say 21.47%
expel 5.75%
include 4.09%
quote 3.12%
kill 2.91%
send 2.15%
identify 2.08%
recall 1.94%
name 1.87%
shoot 1.66%
expel + n. >>共 305
member 8.78%
diplomat 6.39%
student 4.55%
refugee 2.62%
thousand 2.39%
foreigner 2.31%
worker 2.00%
people 1.93%
immigrant 1.85%
journalist 1.85%
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