31.   Highly paid executives should take note.

32.   Hospital executives took issue with the findings and said they would lobby for more generous Medicare payments.

33.   In cities with huge Latino populations, marketing executives have already taken note that Spanish-language radio stations are enormously popular.

34.   In fact, it is refreshing, considering a corporate culture that dictates that a fired executive should take the money and keep his mouth shut.

35.   In Silicon Valley, where big business is often conducted over burritos, most executives take a simple point-and-click approach to dining.

36.   Indeed, smart executives are taking protective steps long before bankruptcy threatens.

37.   It became part of the culture at Helmsley-Spear that executives would take an equity interest in the buildings they managed.

38.   It has been speculated that another Hollywood executive would take over at MCA.

39.   It is not that television executives have not taken their chances by making major cast changes to an ongoing series.

40.   Last year, Bristol-Myers executives took a calculated risk, committing tens of millions of dollars for a comparison of Pravachol to Lipitor.

n. + take >>共 1201
government 2.42%
company 1.62%
people 1.59%
meeting 1.38%
investor 1.22%
police 1.16%
process 1.02%
official 1.00%
attack 0.80%
team 0.79%
executive 0.14%
executive + v. >>共 542
say 27.99%
be 8.26%
have 2.01%
decline 1.65%
acknowledge 1.08%
make 1.08%
argue 0.92%
tell 0.88%
agree 0.87%
take 0.86%
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