31.   Xinhua did not say how Li was killed but China executes most criminals by a single gunshot.

32.   Fourteen criminals were executed in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen for peddling drugs and arms, and forcing women into prostitution, it was reported Saturday.

33.   A further seven criminals were executed Tuesday in the neighbouring island province of Hainan, the China News Service said.

34.   Beijing authorities have executed seven criminals found guilty of vandalism, shooting and trading in women, the Beijing Daily reported Thursday.

35.   China has begun tests on executing condemned criminals by lethal injection, official sources said Tuesday.

36.   Chinese authorities in northeastern Liaoning province have executed three criminals, including the director of a county grain bureau, for embezzlement, the China Business Times said Tuesday.

37.   Eighteen convicted criminals have been executed in southern China for crimes including murder, rape, and armed burglary, a report said Tuesday.

38.   Thirty-one criminals have been executed in the central Chinese province of Hebei in the last two weeks, newspaper reports said Tuesday.

39.   Six criminals were executed in Beijing Wednesday, the Beijing Evening News said.

40.   Ten more criminals were executed last week in the southern Chinese city of Guiyang, Hunan province, the Guizhou Daily said.

v. + criminal >>共 273
catch 5.44%
execute 4.44%
deter 3.67%
keep 2.89%
punish 2.56%
put 2.44%
arrest 2.33%
release 2.00%
bring 2.00%
track 2.00%
execute + n. >>共 441
people 9.85%
man 8.43%
trade 4.95%
prisoner 3.33%
hostage 2.40%
order 2.25%
plan 2.25%
criminal 1.96%
inmate 1.42%
killer 1.37%
每页显示:    共 40