31.   He has balanced a sometimes volatile ethnic mix, although critics say his methods sometimes lean toward authoritarianism.

32.   His office is concentrating now on preventive work in Burundi, next door to Rwanda in east Africa, and with the same troubled ethnic mix.

33.   His enthusiasm, flair for the dramatic, aggressive style of play and ethnic mix in an overwhelmingly white game made him an almost unbelievable marketing package.

34.   It was designed by advertisers to emphasize the pride and ethnic mix of the Dagenham work force to customers in Britain.

35.   Leaders of the ethnic Albanians have protested efforts to resettle Serb refugees, saying it will change the ethnic mix.

36.   Macedonia seceded from former Yugoslavia without bloodshed, but is considered a flash point because of its ethnic mix and traditionally unfriendly neighbors.

37.   Mazar-e-Sharif has an ethnic mix with the potential to explode into violence.

38.   Prayers and words of reflection were spoken in German, Hungarian and the Roma, or Gypsy, language, illustrating the ethnic mix in the easternmost Burgenland province.

39.   President Sylvestre Ntibantunganya found his message of peace received with cheers, open hostility or indifference depending on the ethnic mix of each neighborhood he visited.

40.   Rwandan has the same ethnic mix as its southern neighbor.

a. + mix >>共 749
right 4.47%
ethnic 3.22%
eclectic 3.18%
good 2.82%
volatile 2.59%
same 2.15%
odd 2.10%
strange 1.39%
different 1.25%
interesting 1.21%
ethnic + n. >>共 534
group 16.58%
minority 6.93%
rebel 5.97%
leader 3.69%
tension 2.55%
conflict 2.33%
violence 2.30%
refugee 1.78%
community 1.65%
line 1.65%
mix 0.51%
每页显示:    共 72