31.   Moreover, it seems unlikely that the courts would grant a broad escape hatch for the Secret Service.

32.   Norwegian deep-sea divers finally wrested open an escape hatch on a sunken Russian nuclear submarine Monday only to find that the badly damaged Kursk was completely flooded.

33.   Norwegian divers who opened that escape hatch nine days after the disaster found that the airlock was filled with water.

34.   Officials had already ruled out trying to enter through the two front escape hatches, saying they were too badly damaged.

35.   Norwegian divers invited to participate in the rescue attempt after one week of failed Russian forays succeeded Monday in opening the rear escape hatch of the vessel.

36.   Not surprising, the escape hatch out of Russia has great allure.

37.   Organizers defend the decision, saying that escape hatches have been constructed in the fencing should dangerous situations arise.

38.   One capsule made it to the deck Friday, but was unable to enter the vessel because the escape hatch reached by the capsule was badly damaged.

39.   Other sellers have also found escape hatches elusive.

40.   Peter Del Tredici, the ebullient curator of living collections at a dreamy urban escape hatch called the Arnold Arboretum, is chummy with plenty of them.

n. + hatch >>共 62
escape 42.86%
rear 16.45%
airlock 3.03%
egg 2.60%
cargo 2.60%
roof 2.16%
access 1.30%
mayfly 1.30%
rescue 1.30%
baby 0.87%
escape + n. >>共 120
route 33.74%
attempt 17.59%
hatch 10.12%
capsule 5.62%
plan 3.89%
tunnel 1.74%
bid 1.64%
valve 1.33%
charge 1.33%
vehicle 1.12%
每页显示:    共 98