31.   Prosecutors described Sinisterra, Ortiz and Tello as a professional hit squad, sent from Houston to enforce discipline in Kansas City after the cocaine profits went astray.

32.   She placed the blame for the situation on Dole, who did nothing to enforce party discipline on term limits.

33.   So despite signs of an upturn, Brazilian consumers continue to act conservatively, enforcing a discipline that has imposed itself on other sectors of the economy.

34.   The heavy-handed tactics succeeded in enforcing party discipline and discouraging big-name endorsements, he said.

35.   The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank tried to halt the spread by enforcing discipline, telling countries not to spend beyond their means.

36.   The job will require enforcing some discipline on the regions in areas like customs collections, immigration and narcotics control, Qadir said.

37.   The proposed amendment, which would restrict borrowing by quasi-governmental agencies and cap debt not approved by voters, will enforce fiscal discipline, they say.

38.   The strength of Silver and Bruno to push through unpleasant budget cuts depends in some measure on their use of patronage to enforce legislative discipline.

39.   They propose a change in Ohio law that would grant teachers more power to punish unruly students without fear of legal action for enforcing discipline.

40.   VMI and the Citadel contend their compelling purpose is to maintain the traditional masculine character that enables them to enforce discipline and develop fitness to command.

v. + discipline >>共 240
impose 7.29%
maintain 6.56%
enforce 5.63%
have 5.21%
face 3.96%
lack 3.65%
instill 3.13%
show 2.60%
restore 2.60%
require 2.29%
enforce + n. >>共 429
law 22.40%
rule 8.67%
ban 5.31%
regulation 4.04%
sanction 2.07%
order 2.00%
peace 1.92%
policy 1.92%
agreement 1.82%
embargo 1.64%
discipline 1.37%
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