31.   But in most cases, he has been told, the employees will not take any formal action.

32.   But more employees than expected took it.

33.   City employees just take a break, for the most part.

34.   City employees take water samples from throughout the five boroughs each day for testing.

35.   Come fall, some of the phones at Cross Country will light up with calls from WearGuard customers, and the Cross Country employees will take the orders.

36.   Computer Associates, a computer software company in Islandia, N.Y., will also be open Monday, but many employees are taking vacation days.

37.   Customers know the employees will take the time to help them find a special part, like valve stems.

38.   Daily, the employees take turns picketing in front of KFTV, where their placards rest against the rented Phoenix Flyer camper when not in use.

39.   Employees can also take advantage of joint programs between the International Association of Machinists and Boeing, as well as counseling from union stewards.

40.   Employees take pride in Citizens and spread that among friends, family and neighbors, bringing in more business.

n. + take >>共 1201
government 2.42%
company 1.62%
people 1.59%
meeting 1.38%
investor 1.22%
police 1.16%
process 1.02%
official 1.00%
attack 0.80%
team 0.79%
employee 0.26%
employee + v. >>共 1085
be 12.94%
say 6.23%
have 5.01%
work 2.77%
take 2.08%
receive 1.81%
get 1.38%
go 1.19%
use 1.03%
tell 1.02%
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