31.   Other areas for cooperation include food safety and epidemiological projects through the sharing of electronic databases.

32.   A new court ruling is raising questions about compensation for freelance writers whose work appeared in electronic databases without their permission.

33.   In recent years, many publications have begun requiring free-lance authors to give permission to use their articles in electronic databases.

34.   Justice John Paul Stevens asked why finding an article in an electronic database is different from looking it up on microfiche in a library.

35.   Linguists from the Netherlands and Belgium plan in July to begin compiling an electronic database that will contain millions of words and phrases of spoken Dutch.

36.   Six free-lance writers sued The New York Times, Newsday, Time Inc. and other publishers over inclusion of their work in electronic databases.

37.   Skuratov said the investigation had uncovered numerous legal violations and that it had resulted in further investigations into three criminal cases involving an electronic database.

38.   The armed forces are moving to convert the medical records of each service member into an electronic database.

39.   The court said compilation in an electronic database like Lexis-Nexis is different from other kinds of storage, such as microfilm.

40.   The institute wanted an electronic database of climate information and dispatched one of its consultants, irrigation engineer Andy Keller, to see what Jenson had.

a. + database >>共 315
relational 6.58%
national 6.08%
online 3.50%
electronic 3.42%
new 3.25%
central 2.83%
large 2.67%
computerized 2.58%
huge 2.42%
searchable 2.33%
electronic + n. >>共 772
commerce 6.39%
device 4.43%
equipment 2.95%
system 2.75%
medium 2.10%
component 2.05%
communication 1.74%
product 1.51%
surveillance 1.46%
goods 1.44%
database 0.38%
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