31.   But it could serve as the blueprint for an overhaul if a Republican president is elected.

32.   But if we have years of impasse, then historians will say the circumstances under which this president was elected made it impossible for him to govern.

33.   But Powell told delegates to the Republican National Convention that Texas Gov. George W. Bush would heal racial rifts and reach out to minorities if elected president.

34.   But the Haitians have a right to their hopes and a right to elect the president of their choice.

35.   But the president was elected by the American people as president and commander in chief.

36.   Clinton should stay right where he is because the people elect presidents directly for a fixed term of four years.

37.   Democrat Bill Bradley pledged Monday to return bipartisan consensus to American foreign policy decisions if elected president.

38.   Democrats frequently have pointed out that presidents are elected by the people and serve four-year terms.

39.   Dorelien justified the coup by suggesting that Haitians, who elected Aristide overwhelmingly, were not educated enough to elect a president.

40.   Electoral votes needed to elect the president also are determined by the census, as are most formulas for dispensing federal dollars to states and localities.

v. + president >>共 850
elect 5.38%
include 3.21%
accuse 2.88%
impeach 2.66%
meet 2.47%
say 2.29%
choose 2.16%
see 1.90%
remove 1.77%
criticize 1.67%
elect + n. >>共 249
president 18.92%
leader 5.69%
member 4.76%
candidate 4.70%
mayor 3.55%
successor 3.17%
government 3.17%
representative 2.52%
official 2.35%
governor 2.24%
每页显示:    共 344