31.   The winners of the prizes for physics and chemistry will be announced Tuesday, with the economics prize on Wednesday and the peace prize on Friday.

32.   The winner of the economics prize, American Robert E. Lucas, was honored for his research showing how market and consumer expectations react to economic policy.

33.   Two microeconomic theorists won the Nobel economics prize Tuesday for explaining how the lack of information helps shape modern business decisions.

34.   University of Chicago Professor Robert E. Lucas Jr. received the Nobel economics prize.

35.   American professors John C. Harsanyi and John F. Nash and German professor Reinhard Selten won the Nobel economics prize on Tuesday.

36.   The Canadian-born economist was awarded the economics prize on Tuesday, along with Briton James Mirrlees.

37.   The economics prize is the third in the series of six Nobel awards to be announced this year.

38.   The economics prize will be announced Tuesday, followed by the prizes for physics and chemistry Wednesday.

39.   The Nobel economics prize has been dominated by Americans in the last decade.

40.   The Nobel economics prize has been dominated by US candidates over the last decade.

n. + prize >>共 178
peace 27.92%
cash 12.76%
literature 7.20%
economics 4.47%
chemistry 3.16%
physics 2.73%
medicine 2.51%
year 1.85%
science 1.64%
raffle 1.53%
economics + n. >>共 116
professor 22.37%
minister 22.01%
prize 4.85%
department 4.50%
ministry 3.91%
degree 3.31%
student 2.84%
official 2.01%
course 1.78%
adviser 1.54%
每页显示:    共 41