31.   A stronger dollar reduces the value of revenue and profit in other currencies when they are translated into dollars.

32.   A stronger dollar can reduce the allure of yen-denominated securities.

33.   A stronger dollar has reduced the prices of imported goods, just when foreign producers are especially eager to sell to Americans.

34.   A stronger dollar reduces revenue from overseas units because the local currency translates to fewer dollars.

35.   A stronger dollar reduces revenue from overseas units when the local currency is translated into dollars for reporting purposes.

36.   A stronger dollar reduces sales from overseas units because the local currency translates to fewer dollars.

37.   A weak dollar reduces the attractiveness of Canadian equities to non-Canadian investors who risk losing any profits if the currency depreciates.

38.   A weaker dollar can reduce the appeal of U.S. securities, such as Treasury bonds, to foreign investors.

39.   A surging dollar reduced demand from investors using other currencies.

40.   A weakening dollar reduces the value of exporters earnings when profits are brought back to Europe.

n. + reduce >>共 1392
company 4.39%
government 3.52%
step 2.01%
rate 1.64%
drug 1.45%
dollar 1.28%
bank 1.16%
change 1.08%
plan 1.03%
system 1.03%
dollar + v. >>共 319
be 15.11%
rise 9.45%
fall 9.31%
make 3.23%
remain 2.57%
slip 2.48%
move 2.15%
help 2.12%
gain 2.04%
continue 1.90%
reduce 0.52%
每页显示:    共 62