31.   I know that thou canst do all things....

32.   I love to do things for children because I get a kick out of it.

33.   I suppose women are always attracted by men who do physical things such as motor racing.

34.   I was going places, thinking and doing things I would never dream of in city civvies.

35.   If history has taught us anything about imaginary customers, it is that they have a way of doing unexpected things.

36.   If modern psychology has done one thing, it has surely made this fact abundantly clear.

37.   If you want to change the way the committee does things, you should stand for election yourself.

38.   In the meantime you have to prove yourself by being extra good, and doing helpful things around the house.

39.   Increased wealth makes possible a more relaxed attitude to work and the need to get things done.

40.   It can never do all things at once.

v. + thing >>共 753
do 21.74%
have 5.71%
say 4.61%
see 3.66%
change 1.80%
take 1.72%
know 1.58%
get 1.52%
keep 1.35%
learn 1.26%
do + n. >>共 627
business 10.21%
thing 8.90%
job 8.34%
work 7.25%
best 4.86%
lot 2.52%
damage 2.37%
research 1.79%
part 1.63%
homework 1.54%
每页显示:    共 3636