31.   I bet everyone wants to do is to get their voices out.

32.   Because the first thing you have to do is what?

33.   What she decided to do was produce Monday which we agreed to put it in for Monday and she would ask them midweek delivery.

34.   It was impossible to distance herself physically in the small room -- doing so mentally was the next best thing.

35.   But to do that would be to risk being enslaved for ever.

36.   -- the prospects look bleak.

37.   Overtaking the car in front when it is not safe to do so and then cutting in front.

38.   Pulling out of side roads when it is not safe to do so.

39.   That I was a composer was infectious -- all they wanted to do was compose.

40.   And if it is advantageous to do so now, is there a point in the future when it may not be.

v. + be >>共 1472
be 2.59%
trade 2.09%
go 1.46%
fighting 1.32%
win 0.99%
do 0.97%
get 0.96%
fight 0.87%
have 0.80%
play 0.78%
do + v. >>共 281
be 40.15%
require 4.67%
make 2.46%
seem 1.78%
help 1.70%
have 1.44%
mean 1.36%
well 1.27%
work 1.10%
take 1.02%
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