31.   The Illinois Republican said the president could speed the process along by not disputing the findings.

32.   The Irish Republican Army has disputed the finding by Ronnie Flanagan, chief of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, insisting that it was not involved in the murders.

33.   The FTC disputed the findings and said compliance with consumer protection rules had improved.

34.   The Mexican government has disputed American findings, by both the EPA and the National Park Service, that blame the plants as a major source of air pollution.

35.   The lumber industry disputes those findings, but the presence of arsenic in treated wood concerns environmental officials.

36.   The NRA disputed the findings, saying its educational programs promote safety.

37.   The president did not dispute their findings, the two lawmakers said.

38.   The state police disputed that finding at the time and continued to insist that its officers operated without racial prejudice.

39.   The sponsor, Tim Eyman, admitted in February that he had lied about taking money, but disputed the finding by the commission, which monitors campaign finance.

40.   The U.S. Olympic Committee disputed the finding, saying the testing was inaccurate.

v. + finding >>共 390
report 10.33%
present 8.25%
publish 5.22%
release 4.89%
confirm 4.25%
announce 3.21%
discuss 3.02%
dispute 2.47%
make 1.96%
accept 1.68%
dispute + n. >>共 354
claim 10.65%
notion 6.12%
report 4.52%
assertion 3.78%
contention 3.66%
finding 3.33%
figure 3.29%
account 3.21%
charge 3.00%
suggestion 2.84%
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