31.   How about dinner placemats that display e-mail messages?

32.   Important messages are often displayed on the screen but not read out loud, frustrating the non-readers the program is aimed at.

33.   In another part of the exhibition, the pager displays messages in hieroglyphics that children must translate by consulting a wheel containing hieroglyphics and their corresponding English letters.

34.   Incoming messages are displayed on a small screen on the side of the pen.

35.   Rather than comply, Ridley displayed the message on the site, accompanied by scathing commentary.

36.   Students may display religious messages on items of clothing, to the same extent that comparable non-religious messages are allowed.

37.   The Bluespace office incorporates a projector that can display messages on the walls, floor or desk.

38.   The onboard phone rings once and displays a message to say a call has been received.

39.   The organizer will then turn itself on and display a message saying it is communicating with the computer.

40.   The programs typically take over a computer, displaying funny messages or making them burp.

v. + message >>共 765
send 18.10%
get 6.78%
return 6.05%
deliver 5.38%
leave 3.94%
receive 3.32%
carry 2.79%
convey 2.21%
have 2.13%
take 1.84%
display 0.50%
display + n. >>共 1287
photograph 1.75%
picture 1.72%
flag 1.67%
sign 1.63%
information 1.53%
image 1.51%
emotion 1.22%
message 1.17%
skill 1.10%
talent 1.05%
每页显示:    共 49