31.   Police used tear gas to disperse lingering protesters.

32.   A baby was injured when police used tear gas to disperse protesters and the policeman blamed for the incident was beaten by the crowd, police said.

33.   According to local media, police used tear gas to disperse the protesters.

34.   After several hours, Palestinian police moved to disperse the protesters.

35.   After the police intervened to disperse the protesters, the train left for Marseille without further delay.

36.   Anti-government marches rarely are tolerated in Nigeria, where soldiers and police are quick to use tear gas and gunfire to disperse protesters.

37.   Basque regional police fired into the air twice to disperse the protesters, the Basque government said.

38.   Baton-wielding police dispersed the protesters and cordoned off the streets leading to the building.

39.   Bosnian TV film showed helicopters flying low, kicking up dust and dropping water, apparently to disperse the protesters.

40.   But a police colonel in Lizama, the site of a large blockade, said his men would not move to disperse protesters without written orders.

v. + protester >>共 413
arrest 7.95%
disperse 6.18%
beat 3.93%
injure 3.86%
kill 3.86%
detain 3.15%
keep 2.91%
prevent 2.24%
shoot 2.20%
remove 2.20%
disperse + n. >>共 260
crowd 28.22%
protester 8.57%
demonstrator 6.99%
hundred 4.31%
mob 3.33%
group 3.11%
demonstration 2.73%
rioter 2.29%
student 2.07%
protestor 1.64%
每页显示:    共 156