31.   Council members have said they will not lift the sweeping trade sanctions until Iraq meets U.N. demands to dismantle its programs to build weapons of mass destruction.

32.   Delivery of major concessions promised Pyongyang hinges on their complying with obligations to dismantle the program.

33.   Iraq claims it has destroyed its weapons and dismantled the programs to build them, but U.N. inspectors repeatedly have said that Iraq is withholding key information.

34.   Iraq insists it has implemented all U.N. resolutions on dismantling its programs to build weapons of mass destruction.

35.   It refuses to lift the sanctions until it is satisfied that Iraq has dismantled its programs to build nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.

36.   Negotiations on implementing an accord designed to dismantle the program have broken down.

37.   Sanctions against Iraq cannot be lifted until U.N. inspectors report that its biological, chemical and nuclear weapons programs have been dismantled along with the missiles to deliver them.

38.   Rolf Ekeus spoke after briefing the Security Council on his six-month report on U.N. efforts to dismantle Iraqi programs for weapons of mass destruction.

39.   That means a commission that shares the opinions of Paris, Moscow and Cairo that Iraq is slowly making progress in dismantling weapons programs.

40.   That means a commission which shares the opinions of Paris, Moscow and Cairo that Iraq is slowly making progress in dismantling weapons programs.

v. + program >>共 784
have 2.94%
run 2.91%
use 2.30%
develop 2.22%
expand 2.09%
create 1.84%
start 1.71%
offer 1.54%
support 1.53%
fund 1.34%
dismantle 0.44%
dismantle + n. >>共 383
weapon 8.43%
settlement 5.24%
program 4.56%
barrier 3.49%
structure 2.28%
system 2.20%
group 2.20%
equipment 1.59%
bomb 1.52%
camp 1.44%
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