31.   The ditches must be dug by hand because of the network of sprinklers, aerobic septic system, utility lines and buried bodies beneath the soil.

32.   The only work he could find was digging ditches and hauling cement.

33.   The Sinaguas dug ditches and carried water to irrigate the corn, beans, squash and cotton they grew on the flat bottomland.

34.   The tractors have remote controls to dig ditches and perform other tasks.

35.   The WPA was a New Deal program that sought to mitigate the Great Depression with public jobs that ranged from digging ditches to painting murals.

36.   There, students performed tasks that included digging ditches, greasing trucks and driving tractors.

37.   They were not deterred when the Town of Bethel blocked the access roads with snowplows or dug ditches around the terrain.

38.   Wireless seemed attractive, since it permits the provider to avoid digging ditches and laying lines.

39.   Who wants to dig ditches, by hand, for a living?

40.   With a bad back,which he got during Vietnam duty, he dug ditches.

v. + ditch >>共 24
dig 68.42%
fill 4.21%
build 2.11%
drain 2.11%
hit 2.11%
site 2.11%
carve 1.05%
catch 1.05%
clean 1.05%
clear 1.05%
dig + n. >>共 280
trench 15.92%
hole 12.75%
grave 8.78%
tunnel 6.80%
well 6.08%
ditch 4.29%
pit 3.04%
canal 2.18%
way 1.78%
puck 1.65%
每页显示:    共 65