31.   But the US attained the desired result.

32.   But what the camera allows, which theatre cannot, is a closeness to its subjects and their emotions and a manipulation of images to achieve a desired result.

33.   Either you look prophetic, or you get the desired result.

34.   Every one of his actions is for the desired result.

35.   For the Pistons, a boost in sales in Michigan would be the most desired result.

36.   Greater self-efficacy and confidence lead to heightened ambition and more effort, which in turn are more likely to lead to desired results.

37.   He mumbled to himself, gestured and showed irritation when his shots did not get the desired results.

38.   History tends to repeat itself when the extreme measure produces the desired result.

39.   If a radical approach fails to bring about the desired result, take corrective steps again.

40.   In developing new recipes for this volume, testers were given directives to use the lowest-fat ingredients that would yield the desired results, said Ruehl.

a. + result >>共 679
final 7.18%
official 4.68%
preliminary 3.07%
positive 2.81%
financial 2.80%
mixed 2.77%
first 2.72%
good 2.35%
similar 2.24%
best 2.11%
desired 0.67%
desired + n. >>共 328
effect 15.40%
result 9.94%
consistency 4.68%
shape 2.63%
outcome 2.44%
level 2.05%
color 1.66%
direction 1.56%
doneness 1.46%
temperature 1.27%
每页显示:    共 101