31.   Here he describes his experiences as a volunteer at Ground Zero after the terrorist attacks, and his feelings about New York, its mayor and its Fire Department.

32.   In an e-mail that described his experience that day, he said the crew barricaded the cockpit door and armed themselves with a crash ax and knives.

33.   In it she describes her experience but stops short of recommending legislation that would have made her actions legal.

34.   In fact, he describes the experience as a nightmare.

35.   In it, he describes an experience he had in the first days after the deaths.

36.   Indeed, melatonin boosters say they wake up thoroughly refreshed, often using poetic images to describe the experience.

37.   In the message, Lessig describes his experience of installing the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser on his Apple Macintosh computer.

38.   It describes an experience from antiquity.

39.   Keith Johnson, the tribal whaling commission president, described the experience of silently paddling off the wilderness beaches as an exhilarating communion with Makah ancestors.

40.   Later, I tried to describe the experience to Jack Gifford, a professor of marketing at Miami University in Ohio.

v. + experience >>共 552
have 39.73%
share 5.17%
gain 4.32%
lack 2.88%
enjoy 1.91%
get 1.89%
use 1.78%
describe 1.72%
bring 1.14%
provide 1.12%
describe + n. >>共 2049
condition 2.00%
scene 1.49%
meeting 1.41%
situation 1.32%
man 1.06%
incident 0.93%
relationship 0.89%
work 0.88%
life 0.87%
plan 0.86%
experience 0.84%
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