31.   Meretz, which opposes all settlement construction, warned that an accelerated building campaign would derail peace talks with the Palestinians.

32.   Oil-producing nations threaten to derail climate talks.

33.   On Saturday, Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin accused Eritrea of derailing the talks in Algiers.

34.   Oil producing countries threatened to derail global talks on combating climate change Tuesday by refusing to accept a scientific report linking human pollution to overheating of the planet.

35.   Palestinian negotiator Hisham Abdel Razek said Friday that linking the release of prisoners to the extradition of suspects was unacceptable and could derail talks at the last minute.

36.   Some of the attorneys, meanwhile, fear the leak to the media during negotiations could derail the talks.

37.   Talks were nearly derailed when one key ethnic Albanian party demanded the government halt attacks on the militants before talks could begin.

38.   The Clinton administration, however, fears it could derail peace talks with the Palestinians at a time when progress is being made.

39.   The compound is the most sensitive spot in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a dispute over who will eventually control it helped derail peace talks.

40.   The July meeting stalled on the same question that derailed talks between the foreign secretaries last September.

v. + talk >>共 397
hold 28.76%
resume 7.42%
begin 4.30%
have 3.89%
open 2.62%
suspend 2.28%
continue 2.04%
start 2.00%
attend 1.82%
follow 1.55%
derail 0.23%
derail + n. >>共 214
effort 9.07%
talk 5.62%
plan 5.29%
train 4.75%
career 3.89%
negotiation 2.92%
bill 2.70%
process 2.38%
reform 2.16%
deal 2.05%
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