31.   Some demonstrators hurled rocks and cow manure at federal authorities over a trampled section of fence on Friday.

32.   Smoke engulfed the area as demonstrators hurled small firebombs and anti-riot commandos wearing gas masks fired tear gas in futile attempts to disperse the crowd.

33.   Still, Martin labeled intolerable the violence of Monday night, when some demonstrators hurled chunks of asphalt, smoke bombs, bottles and other debris at police.

34.   Some demonstrators hurled eggs, bags of paint or firecrackers at government buildings.

35.   Some demonstrators hurled rocks and cow manure at federal authorities over a trampled section of fence.

36.   Some top officials hinted that Russia could provide Yugoslavia with weapons, flouting an international arms embargo, and demonstrators hurled bottles at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.

37.   The demonstrators hurled eggs and rocks, while police battled back with batons, media reported.

38.   The demonstrators hurled rocks and Molotov cocktails at police and erected a fire barricade to block traffic.

39.   The demonstrators hurled stones and broke through police barricades before they were beaten back by the soldiers.

40.   The demonstrators hurled stones, and Israeli troops responded with live rounds, rubber bullets and tear gas.

n. + hurl >>共 196
protester 9.72%
demonstrator 6.22%
assailant 5.35%
youth 4.59%
attacker 3.93%
hundred 3.71%
student 3.28%
man 3.17%
militant 3.17%
fan 2.73%
demonstrator + v. >>共 528
be 4.34%
throw 3.92%
say 3.34%
burn 3.08%
march 2.83%
protest 2.58%
demand 2.52%
try 2.02%
gather 1.99%
block 1.96%
hurl 1.60%
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