31.   In Gaza City, the very moment the peace prize was announced in Oslo, HAMAS demonstrators chanted slogans against Arafat outside a mosque.

32.   After the police pulled down the banner, the demonstrators continued chanting for a few minutes before the police van was brought and they were taken away.

33.   Demonstrators chanted slogans demanding extra protection from religious extremists during the rally in Rawalpindi, just next to the capital, Islamabad.

34.   The Uighur demonstrators chanted slogans against China and burned Chinese flags before the consulate before dispersing peacefully, the Istanbul-based daily Milliyet said.

35.   The very moment the Nobel prize peace was announced in Oslo, HAMAS demonstrators chanted slogans against PLO chairman Yasser Arafat outside a Gaza City mosque, correspondents said.

36.   The demonstrators chanted anti-Israeli slogans and slammed a decision by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approving the construction of new Jewish homes in disputed Arab east Jerusalem.

37.   The demonstrators chanted revolutionary and anti-white songs against a background of heavy traditional drumbeats.

38.   The demonstrators chanted slogans against Pakistan, stormed the building and destroyed furniture and other equipment before setting the embassy ablaze, the witnesses said.

39.   The demonstrators chanted anti-imperialist slogans and burned a German flag in a protest rally called by leftist organisations.

40.   The demonstrators chanted anti-UN slogans accusing Boutros-Ghali of being the main reason for the plight of Moslems in Bosnia-Hercegovina, Chechnya and Cyprus.

n. + chant >>共 110
fan 12.62%
crowd 12.14%
demonstrator 9.76%
protester 8.10%
priest 3.57%
monk 3.33%
supporter 2.86%
student 2.62%
people 2.38%
thousand 2.14%
demonstrator + v. >>共 528
be 4.34%
throw 3.92%
say 3.34%
burn 3.08%
march 2.83%
protest 2.58%
demand 2.52%
try 2.02%
gather 1.99%
block 1.96%
chant 1.15%
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