31.   Demonstrators burned American and Israeli flags in front of the Qatari Embassy on Sunday to protest the convening of the Middle East economic conference in Qatar.

32.   Demonstrators burned an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and an Israeli flag.

33.   Demonstrators burned an effigy of Netanyahu and an Israeli flag.

34.   Demonstrators burned Israeli and U.S. flags.

35.   Demonstrators burned pictures of Bush and Sharon, as well as American and Israeli flags.

36.   Demonstrators burned several Israeli flags and effigies of Israeli politicians, including Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

37.   Demonstrators burned the red and white flag in the southern city of Christchurch Friday during a protest demanding independence for East Timor.

38.   Demonstrators burned three posters of PLO chief Yasser Arafat.

39.   Demonstrators burned U.S. flags, threw stones at consulates and chanted slogans.

40.   Demonstrators burned vehicles and garbage and attacked government property.

n. + burn >>共 691
fire 13.08%
protester 4.97%
demonstrator 4.05%
house 2.73%
mob 2.47%
candle 2.17%
flame 1.69%
youth 1.66%
rioter 1.58%
student 1.51%
demonstrator + v. >>共 528
be 4.34%
throw 3.92%
say 3.34%
burn 3.08%
march 2.83%
protest 2.58%
demand 2.52%
try 2.02%
gather 1.99%
block 1.96%
每页显示:    共 109