31.   They also demonstrated the importance of the health of the male in achieving the best reproductive outcome.

32.   Meanwhile, Clinton has profited from all the Republican infighting but his travels through New Hampshire over the weekend demonstrate the importance of this first key vote.

33.   Meanwhile, President Bill Clinton has profited from all the Republican infighting but his own New Hampshire swings over the weekend demonstrate the importance of this first key vote.

34.   President Bill Clinton said Friday the convening of Bosnian peace talks later this month in this Midwest state demonstrates the importance of US leadership in the world.

35.   The naming of Ricardo Alarcon to head the delegation demonstrates the importance Cuba attaches to the mission, according to observers.

v. + importance >>共 275
stress 19.92%
emphasize 8.08%
understand 5.33%
underscore 3.57%
recognize 3.22%
attach 2.58%
know 2.37%
have 2.26%
downplay 2.14%
place 2.11%
demonstrate 1.03%
demonstrate + n. >>共 844
ability 3.80%
commitment 3.36%
support 2.85%
need 2.41%
willingness 2.31%
skill 1.70%
technique 1.36%
importance 1.19%
power 1.19%
leadership 1.02%
每页显示:    共 35