31.   In particular, it is likely to command the backing of moderate to conservative Democratic deficit hawks.

32.   In the countless Capitol Hill negotiations Dole brokered, he nearly always played the part of deficit hawk to the point of backing tax increases.

33.   Last year, the deficit hawks prevailed.

34.   McMonigle said deficit hawks and moderate Republicans were having problems with approving tax cuts.

35.   Neumann portrayed himself as a deficit hawk who dared to buck the House leadership over a military spending bill.

36.   New York Times columnist William Safire has proposed a brilliant experiment to see if the conservative deficit hawks will practice what they preach.

37.   Nonetheless, the apparent fiasco set off alarms in the ranks of the deficit hawks.

38.   One is Senate Budget Committee Chairman Pete Domenici of New Mexico, a noted deficit hawk who recently has been calling for tax cuts.

39.   On one side are the deficit hawks, who put a priority on balancing the budget and drastically reducing government debt.

40.   Shuster faces a stiff challenge in getting his measure past congressional deficit hawks, though.

n. + hawk >>共 33
deficit 39.29%
inflation 15.71%
budget 6.43%
defense 3.57%
redtail 3.57%
trade 3.57%
price 2.86%
security 2.86%
ball 2.14%
administration 1.43%
deficit + n. >>共 171
reduction 25.81%
target 10.12%
hawk 6.12%
problem 3.78%
figure 3.45%
disorder 3.34%
budget 2.67%
plan 2.67%
limit 2.56%
cut 1.56%
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