31.   Clinton gave in after winning a GOP compromise that permits him to delay implementation for up to six months if he deems it necessary for the national interest.

32.   Decertification gives the Clinton administration the option to impose whatever trade penalties deemed necessary.

33.   Davis said that he had authorized the National Guard to assign additional troops, as many as it deemed necessary, to help with patrols and security.

34.   Dining companions say Shanken is a charming raconteur who unleashes his formidable knowledge only when he deems necessary.

35.   Districts could only spend more than what the state deems necessary for the curriculum standards if local voters approve higher budgets at the polls.

36.   Each refugee was getting a minimum of five liters of water a day, the amount deemed necessary for survival.

37.   Even then, subterfuge was deemed necessary.

38.   First the Israelis demanded the right for their troops to re-enter Hebron whenever they deemed it necessary.

39.   FBI agents would not say why they did not deem it necessary to block off most of the area they had spent so many hours searching.

40.   Having said this, it should be noted Tobin made it clear that he will not hesitate to make whatever changes he deems necessary at any position.

v. + necessary >>共 21
deem 29.23%
make 24.08%
find 16.18%
consider 12.13%
think 8.64%
force 3.49%
believe 2.57%
see 0.74%
judge 0.55%
cut 0.37%
deem + a. >>共 553
necessary 8.12%
appropriate 2.96%
dangerous 1.99%
safe 1.99%
important 1.99%
worthy 1.94%
inappropriate 1.79%
essential 1.68%
illegal 1.58%
responsible 1.33%
每页显示:    共 158