31.   But eventually Gary declined as a steel city and many houses were abandoned.

32.   But Friday the bond market declined as yields moved higher.

33.   But its ratings have declined recently as other talk shows with even more outrageous subject matter and guests have flooded the market.

34.   But that now seems unlikely, and Wednesday the Mexican market began to decline as investors grew nervous that the American help promised last week may not be forthcoming.

35.   But the hotel declined as the Times Square area declined around it.

36.   But that share is declining as companies like Metron offer increasingly competitive prices.

37.   But their numbers declined as the food became a dinner delicacy, as synonymous with New England as lighthouses.

38.   But with the rise of the cinema, vaudeville and side shows declined as popular entertainment, and professional contortionists became fewer and farther between.

39.   Canadian stocks declined as concern that pulp and paper prices will fall depressed forest products issues, analysts said.

40.   Chilean stocks declined as expansion plans by Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA, Soquimich, disappointed investors.

v. + as >>共 749
know 10.51%
see 9.14%
come 4.10%
work 4.03%
use 3.96%
identify 3.04%
emerge 1.74%
describe 1.40%
take 1.39%
quote 1.35%
decline 0.14%
decline + p. >>共 61
in 26.21%
to 13.99%
for 10.65%
on 9.22%
as 6.14%
after 3.71%
amid 3.58%
against 3.00%
with 2.90%
over 2.27%
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