31.   At left is a live video feed from the House floor where representatives were debating issues regarding the federal budget.

32.   At one point, when the jusen issue was being hotly debated, some LDP members said it would be impossible to hold an election.

33.   At the town meeting, he urged the public to devote the rest of this year to debating the issue.

34.   A feed store might be stuck in the middle, where ranchers sit on rockers and debate the issues of the day.

35.   A final report will be written in November, and parliament will debate the issues sometime next year.

36.   A lot has been said about the obsolescence of political conventions, now that they no longer choose the candidates or even debate issues.

37.   A host of other often hotly debated issues, such as Internet gambling, cyberterrorism, and potential cyberattacks by hostile foreign powers were scarcely mentioned.

38.   A successful filibuster would all but kill any chance of reform this year and could scrap plans to debate the issue in the House.

39.   Business executives, public interest groups and academicians will debate those issues at a two-day conference beginning Tuesday in Washington.

40.   But Bush did not debate the issues on Tuesday.

v. + issue >>共 583
discuss 13.43%
raise 10.53%
address 7.69%
take 4.48%
resolve 4.12%
settle 2.67%
study 2.02%
debate 1.95%
tackle 1.59%
decide 1.57%
debate + n. >>共 489
issue 16.18%
bill 5.83%
proposal 3.31%
merit 3.12%
measure 2.89%
legislation 2.75%
motion 2.00%
plan 1.82%
amendment 1.77%
reform 1.72%
每页显示:    共 345