31.   But the confession was somewhat contradictory, particularly in that Misskelly described the crime as taking place in broad daylight while the coroner concluded the deaths occurred at night.

32.   But the organization is a lot like its drivers when death occurs.

33.   But there is no one point at which scientists would agree that death actually occurs, he said.

34.   But voters will find his name still on the ballot on Election Day because his death occurred after the deadline for inserting substitutes.

35.   Candlelight shines through the banisters, and white curtains flutter in a room where a horrible death occurred.

36.   Chiron said, though, that the deaths all occurred before using antibiotics as an early, preventive therapy became standard.

37.   Clinicians can only tell us what happens to the body when death occurs.

38.   Death may occur in minutes, hours or days.

39.   Death occurs from blood loss, cardiovascular collapse and secondary infections.

40.   Death usually occurs from five to seven days after the onset of illness.

n. + occur >>共 919
incident 6.74%
accident 6.06%
attack 4.78%
explosion 4.08%
blast 2.84%
death 2.35%
shooting 2.24%
problem 1.82%
crash 1.75%
injury 1.56%
death + v. >>共 399
be 39.12%
occur 9.46%
come 6.83%
bring 1.73%
follow 1.53%
result 1.38%
prompt 1.35%
spark 1.28%
have 1.22%
appear 1.17%
每页显示:    共 369