31.   Sylvia Coy, who is now general manager of the family business, said her brother dealt drugs for about three months.

32.   The brother is dealing drugs, taking bribes from whitey or selling out the other brothers.

33.   They deal drugs, destroy plants and look suspiciously at strangers.

34.   Unfortunately, the only thing that occurs to him and Eric is to turn to the local crime boss, and they are soon dealing drugs.

35.   We have people parked up the street dealing drugs.

36.   Vinson contended that Miller was dealing drugs, which Miller denies.

37.   Well, when did you last hear about a dog cheating on a final exam or being arrested for dealing drugs?

38.   When she peers through her blinds at any time of day, she sees young men on the corner, dealing drugs in front of a grocery store.

39.   Williams dealt drugs, they said, and may have been transporting them from Brooklyn to Jamestown, but he was not seen as a major criminal.

40.   While he was dealing drugs, Graham says, he moved from girlfriend to girlfriend, but this relationship is different.

v. + drug >>共 389
use 10.78%
take 10.37%
sell 4.55%
develop 3.42%
approve 2.71%
prescribe 2.63%
fight 2.47%
find 2.28%
smuggle 1.79%
buy 1.74%
deal 0.74%
deal + n. >>共 216
blow 25.93%
drug 10.74%
setback 3.87%
card 3.44%
director 2.29%
charge 1.86%
room 1.43%
problem 1.29%
issue 1.15%
case 1.15%
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