31.   Other data included direct and cellular telephone numbers for some leaders and e-mail addresses for others, it said.

32.   Personal data including addresses, ages, buying habits and income brackets are bought and sold by list brokers in the EU as well as in the United States.

33.   But this data did not include the supermarkets operating inside department stores.

34.   Commerce also is looking to get more money for numbers crunchers at its Census Bureau, whose economic data includes reports tracking housing, construction and retail activity.

35.   Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Rahim Noor said in Kuala Lumpur the data included the tactics used in bringing the illegals and the equipment at their disposal.

36.   It also said the true figure might be several times higher as the data did not include girls whose sterilization was concealed by being listed as another operation.

37.   Japanese media have reported the data also included the status of loans taken out by customers and the size of their family budgets.

38.   Sales data include vehicles manufactured abroad by Japanese automakers.

39.   Such data include, for instance, how well nursing homes are staffed.

40.   The data included an estimate of informal trade, which accounts for a significant portion of overall turnover.

n. + include >>共 1161
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