31.   Water from fire hoses filled the cracks in the damaged buildings and froze, causing walls to break.

32.   What has become clear to city and state officials is the central role that reopening these damaged buildings will play in the revival of downtown.

33.   Other survivors made their own way out of the damaged buildings and into the chaos.

34.   A few waved from damaged buildings.

35.   A Tokyo Metropolitan Police spokesman said there were no reports of injuries or damaged buildings or roads.

36.   Access to six more damaged buildings, including the headquarters of the national railway, was being restricted, it said.

37.   After five daylight strikes, bombers returned in the evening and slammed two more missiles into the damaged building, Tanjug, the state-controlled news agency said.

38.   After the temblor, people made their way into the streets from damaged buildings, some wearing only underwear, some in nightclothes.

39.   According to Vavrina, the damaged building is not in immediate vicinity of the Semtex facilities and there was no danger of a continued explosion.

40.   And store executives were quoted as saying they had not given permission for any of its employes to enter the damaged building.

a. + building >>共 778
new 6.64%
federal 5.44%
public 4.77%
old 2.95%
tall 1.99%
historic 1.76%
main 1.76%
nearby 1.73%
same 1.70%
high-rise 1.55%
damaged 0.94%
damaged + n. >>共 601
building 5.37%
area 3.88%
home 3.07%
goods 2.94%
house 2.52%
car 2.30%
heart 1.71%
module 1.54%
vehicle 1.45%
knee 1.41%
每页显示:    共 125