31.   Canada is sensitive about preserving its national cultural identity against perceived intrusions from the United States.

32.   Committed New York deli lovers can laugh off these transgressions as harmlessly philistine, while using them to strengthen their own sense of cultural identity.

33.   Cultural identity is more complex than just a return to sources and roots.

34.   Each change brought a loss of cultural identity.

35.   Either it is merely a question of personal taste, or it is one of cultural identity.

36.   Even so, thoughtful Eastern Europeans have made remarkable strides toward reclaiming their pre-Communist cultural identities and pressing their political leaders for greater democracy.

37.   Gimein ARKANSAS -- XXXX CALIFORNIA -- Bay Area Latinos prepare for a march in Washington to protect affirmative action, immigration rights and to celebrate cultural identity.

38.   Globalization raises uncertainty about cultural identity and unease about external forces that are beyond the control of citizens.

39.   He was a synthesizer of cultural identities.

40.   He was one of the first several African-American entertainers to integrate a new mainstream entertainment medium without sacrificing cultural identity.

a. + identity >>共 540
national 8.14%
new 8.04%
mistaken 6.73%
false 5.12%
cultural 3.90%
true 3.81%
separate 2.85%
corporate 2.33%
sexual 2.33%
ethnic 2.30%
cultural + n. >>共 1500
center 4.36%
difference 3.59%
exchange 3.07%
institution 2.38%
event 2.27%
heritage 2.26%
identity 1.46%
icon 1.25%
tie 1.23%
diversity 1.20%
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