31.   Noble also took a swipe at Congress and the news media for being too quick to blame law enforcement when a major crime occurs.

32.   Often, the information police receive from state protective workers is so sketchy that officers cannot determine if a crime occurred.

33.   Police continue to search for evidence that any crimes occurred.

34.   Proving intent is essential for such a prosecution, because without it, no crime occurred.

35.   Second, though making a situational judgment sounds goods, it is unrealistic to expect a victim to assess his prospects and opportunities effectively while a crime is occurring.

36.   She had just joined the City Council when the crime occurred.

37.   She has just stopped to pick out exactly the right colored balloons for the party, and she is on her car phone with Julie when the crime occurs.

38.   Some lawmakers, however, want to redirect the money to education and to require convincing evidence that a crime occurred before property is forfeited.

39.   Some of the horror would exist if this terrible crime occurred in any unusual place full of symbolism.

40.   Such crimes occurred in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Rwanda.

n. + occur >>共 919
incident 6.74%
accident 6.06%
attack 4.78%
explosion 4.08%
blast 2.84%
death 2.35%
shooting 2.24%
problem 1.82%
crash 1.75%
injury 1.56%
crime 0.58%
crime + v. >>共 346
be 45.33%
occur 3.00%
rise 2.58%
take 2.38%
go 2.05%
increase 1.98%
become 1.91%
fall 1.82%
drop 1.62%
have 1.55%
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