31.   Chicago corn and soybean futures closed higher Thursday on predictions that cool weather is on the way and could devastate young crops.

32.   Citing cool weather in some regions, retailers selling nearly every category of goods reported sluggish gains in sales for stores that have been open at least one year.

33.   Colder breezes from the north will drive the very cool weather down along the east slopes of the Rockies.

34.   Conversely, horses often wilt when moved from cool weather into heat.

35.   Cool weather will cling to the Northwest Coast, while generally dry and seasonably conditions cover the remainder of the West.

36.   Cool weather will continue to affect areas near the Canadian border Tuesday as the jet stream remains unusually far to the south for June.

37.   Cool weather will continue to grip the northern third of the nation Tuesday as the jet stream dips south of its normal position across the U.S.-Canada border.

38.   Cool weather and high levels of consumer debt also held down retail sales during the second quarter.

39.   Cool weather in Monterey County means grapes are ripening slowly, allowing winemakers to be selective, picking one block at a time.

40.   Cool weather moved in.

a. + weather >>共 418
bad 16.43%
cold 7.76%
warm 5.15%
dry 4.91%
hot 3.75%
severe 2.57%
good 2.50%
poor 2.39%
wet 2.08%
mild 2.04%
cool 1.53%
cool + n. >>共 905
air 8.97%
front 6.80%
weather 5.09%
water 4.27%
temperature 3.53%
breeze 3.17%
reception 2.38%
night 2.20%
place 1.61%
morning 1.30%
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